From Plovdiv to Mytilene

Last week two representatives of the Parallel World Association – Kremena Stoyanova, Chairperson, and Vanya Pavlova, Psychologist – visited the town of. Mytilini, Fr. Lesvos, Greece. The visit was part of the shadowing program for social enterprises (SEs) from Italy, Greece, Bulgaria and Poland.
The purpose of the visit was to meet Iliaktida social enterprise which was their host organization and to get to know in depth the structure of the social enterprise, its management and best practices in working with different target groups.
In a period of six days, Kremena and Vanya visited and observed the work in 2 schools for refugees, a day centre for people with intellectual difficulties, a social enterprise, the “Magic Flute” kindergarten.
Our team would like to express our gratitude to our colleagues from Iliaktida for opening their doors and hearts to us. Special thanks to Vasiliki Andreadelli and Antonis Zeibekis for their hospitality and professionalism. We believe that in their face the Parallel World Association has found a partner for future joint activities. Last but not least, we would like to thank our colleagues from the Bulgarian Center for Not-for-Profit Law, who made this adventure possible!