The information hub within SE Hubs

Third SEHUBS Training in Poland by University oF Lodz
The Training “Human Capital – the Most Important Resource For Any Social Enterprise” was also organised in Poland. Social entrepreneurs gathered at a two-day training

Second SEHUBS Training in Greece by the Athens Lifelong Learning Institute
Another SE-Hubs training was successfully completed, this time in Greece! More than 20 people and 15 organizations of social economy met with an experienced team

The first training – part of the “LABORATORY FOR GROWTH: The Great Art of Learning More” training program of SEHUBS by the Bulgarian CenteR for Not-for-Profit Law Foundation
The first training – part of the “LABORATORY FOR GROWTH: The Great Art of Learning More” training program of SEHUBS is already a fact! The

SEHUBS, a three-day Expert Summit in Lodz, Poland.
“There is nothing more efficient and productive than a live meeting!” Such was the expert summit, which was held by the teams of University of

SEHUBS, a transnational partner meeting in Sofia to get to know each other face-to-face
SEHUBS project eventually organised a face-to-face meeting in Sofia (Bulgaria) from the 20th to the 21st of September 2021. SEHUBS officially started on the 15th of January 2021